Over the past 5 years, fleet technology in the trucking industry has exploded and data has fundamentally changed the way that fleets are managing operations. This shift in business has largely been driven by the emergence of telematics. Real-time insights, interconnected devices, and a truckload of data streamline the decision-making process. The result is increased productivity and better margins for fleets.
GPS’s Role in Telematics
You might be asking yourself, how can GPS do all of that? Traditionally GPS units were stand-alone devices that helped drivers navigate from point A to point B as efficiently as possible. Today, GPS is but one aspect of the telematics systems that are impacting fleet decisions.
While GPS still provides drivers with turn-by-turn navigation, it also serves as the heart of the telematics device. In addition to navigation, the system is constantly feeding data to the operations team all in an effort to reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency. Information such as road conditions, traffic, engine diagnostics, and individualized driving habits are collected by the system.
Why You Should Invest in Telematics
Implementing modern fleet management systems will inevitably impact both the operational side of the business as well as the drivers themselves.
When decisions can be made with real-time data, it removes the guesswork. Drivers can be rerouted, loads can be redistributed, and fuel can be saved. Even during downtime, fleets will be able to pinpoint areas of improvement such as fuel consumption. Increased efficiency will lower the costs incurred by the fleet, and save windshield time for your drivers. This can be particularly effective for fleets, both government and private, that are on a tighter budget.
Fleet Maintenance
If you could plan around fleet maintenance before it strands a truck in Timbuktu, how would that help your fleet? Telematic devices, like the Geotab GO9, are plugged directly into the truck’s ECM port. As the engine runs, any potential maintenance issues are relayed so that they can be promptly addressed before progressing into a breakdown. Shifting away from a reactive model will keep drivers on the road, making money.
Risk Mitigation
Nuclear verdicts have changed the trucking landscape, making fleet safety all the more important. Corrective driving behavior such as hard stops, sharp cornering, and speeding are all monitored. Driver scorecards are readily available to help fleets take corrective action and create a culture of safety.
Customer Success
On-time delivery of freight is one of the biggest catalysts for fleet growth. Having the tools in place when schedules are disrupted helps to ease customer pain. Collected data provides visibility on internal and external factors that may impact freight deliverability. That information can then be shared with the driver, shipper, and receiver creating a constant feedback loop.
Finding a Telematics Re-Seller
Looking into new fleet technology can seem daunting, especially if you are making the jump from an antiquated system. Understanding the role that telematics will play in your day-to-day operations is half of the equation. Working with a trusted source that you can rely upon is the other half.
Argos Connected Solutions is an authorized Geotab reseller, helping fleets navigate the complex world of fleet management technology. Located in Indianapolis, and serving the entire Midwest transportation community, our team has experience working with fleets of all shapes and sizes. Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation with our team, today.
