There is no question that data can be used to improve fleet safety. By analyzing data collected from vehicles, we can identify trends and patterns that can help us make our fleets safer. We can use data to improve training, develop new safety technologies, and make our fleets more efficient.
But while data can be incredibly useful, it is only part of the picture when it comes to fleet safety. We also need to consider the human element. After all, it is humans who operate our vehicles, and it is humans who are responsible for deciphering the data that each vehicle produces.

In order to truly improve fleet safety, fleets must take a holistic approach that considers both the data and the humans involved. Only then can we hope to make our fleets as safe as possible.
Keep Reporting Simple
In a world filled with data, people are often looking for the most complicated solution to a problem. And with so much information at a fleet’s disposal, it can be easy to go down the rabbit hole, all while failing to accomplish the intended goal. More often than not, the simplest solution is the best one. When it comes to reporting, this is definitely the case.

There are many benefits to keeping your reports simple. First, it will save you time. You won't have to spend hours creating complicated graphs and charts. Second, it will save you money. You won't have to hire someone to create a complicated report for you. Third, it will be easier to understand. Your drivers and operations team will be able to quickly scan and understand a simple report.
So next time you're tasked with creating a report, remember to keep it simple. It will save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.
Establish and Follow KPIs
It doesn't matter what department you are in, we all have specific performance indicators that we must meet on a daily, monthly, or quarterly basis. Good telematics can help any business to better measure and manage its performance in relation to these goals.
The key is to establish a small handful of KPIs out the gate and stick with them. We are creatures of habit and constantly changing KPIs can confuse your team. The fleets that struggle to leverage their telematics data typically do so because they are trying to measure everything and nothing all at once. Over time you can expand, but the best thing that you can do for your team is to start small and build over time.
This strategy becomes all the more critical when you start adding additional telematics components to one another. Even with consolidated dashboards, like those found in Geotab, the ability to quickly veer off course is always a concern.
Navigating Data With Confidence
Every piece of fleet technology that is implemented generates millions of data points every day. The fleets that successfully navigate those information streams are the ones that are able to get the greatest ROI from their telematics platform. Whether you are just getting started with a new technology suite, or are looking to improve your ability to consume the data you already have, remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint.
With over 3 million subscribers, Geotab is the industry leader in telematics data. As part of that network, the Argos team has seen the power of having confidence in data. When you are confident in the data your fleet generates, you can make more informed decisions. Better decisions result in fleetwide improvements. Connect with our team to learn more about data confidence and let us show you how to get the most out of your fleet technology.
